Shop Pump/Motor Adapters by Orientation

a white round object with a orange band

Horizontal pump/motor mounts are available for mounting NEMA C-Face motors in frame sizes 56C through 449TSC to most SAE and Metric 2 and 4 bolt pump flanges.A mount kit is included which contains all the bolts and washers required to attach the pump and motor to the mount.

a metal object with a orange strap

Vertical Pump/Motor Mounts are designed to allow direct mounting through the reservoir top. The pump and mount assembly is enclosed inside the reservoir resulting in a safer, quieter, more compact installation. Vertical mounts available in NEMA C-face motor frame sizes 56C through 256TC to most SAE and Metric 2 and 4 bolt pump flanges. A mount kit is included which contains all bolts and washers required to attach the pump and motor to the mount. The kit DOES NOT contain hardware for attaching the mount to the reservoir.

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